Once you have received a Higher Education Loan Program (HELP) loan, it is important you monitor and manage your HELP debt so you can identify any incorrect charges.
What's on this page
Who should I contact if I identify incorrect charges?
If you believe a HELP debt has been incorrectly assigned to you, you must discuss this directly with your higher education provider.
If your provider agrees, they can remove it from your account.
What should I do if my provider does not agree to remove the debt?
If your provider disagrees with you, you can ask for a further review through your provider’s complaints process.
All providers are required to have policies and procedures in place to resolve grievances that outline how they will review, assess and respond to a range of academic and non-academic complaints.
How do I monitor my HELP loan?
When you access a CSP or HELP loan, your provider must issue you a Commonwealth Assistance Notice (CAN) which lists the units of study you enrolled in for that study period.
It is a good idea to check that the units on your CAN match those reported by your provider in your HELP loan history.
You can access your HELP loan history through myHELPbalance.
Your HELP loan history will include all your FEE-HELP, Vocational Education and Training (VET) FEE-HELP, VET Student Loans, as well as any HECS-HELP loans from 1 January 2020.