If you decide to work overseas, you need to keep your Higher Education Loan Program (HELP) debt repayment obligations in mind.
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When do I need to notify the ATO that I will be overseas?
If you plan to move overseas for 183 days or more (around 6 months) in any 12-month period, you must notify the Australian Taxation Office (ATO) by completing an overseas travel notification through ATO online services in your myGov account.
What are my overseas repayment obligations?
If you move overseas and your worldwide income is above the compulsory repayment threshold, you still need to make repayments on your HELP debt.
How do I report my worldwide income to the ATO?
You can advise the ATO of your worldwide income through ATO online services in your myGov account.
You must report your income for the financial year to the ATO by 31 October each year.