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Applications are open for school leavers from regional or remote areas to apply for the Tertiary Access Payment.
HELP booklets and fact sheets contain information about each Higher Education Loan Program (HELP) loan including a glossary of terms, eligibility criteria, how to apply for a HELP loan, withdrawing from study and repaying a HELP debt.
This fact sheet provides an overview of SA-HELP, a loan from the Australian Government to help you pay your higher education provider’s student services and amenities fee (SSAF).
This fact sheet provides an overview of STARTUP-HELP, a loan from the Australian Government that can be used to pay for your studies when you attend university and participate in a Startup Year course.
If you require a copy of a historical HELP Information Booklet, this can be requested by emailing
This fact sheet provides an overview of Commonwealth supported places (CSPs) and HECS-HELP (also known as HECS), a loan from the Australian Government to pay your student contribution amounts.
This fact sheet provides an overview of OS-HELP, a loan from the Australian Government for students enrolled in a Commonwealth supported place (CSP) who want to study part of their course overseas.
This fact sheet provides an overview of FEE-HELP, a loan from the Australian Government to pay all or part of your fees when you study a higher education course at an approved higher education provider.