To access a Commonwealth supported place (CSP) and/or a Higher Education Loan Program (HELP) loan, students must be enrolled with an approved Australian higher education provider.
The providers listed below offer CSPs and/or HELP loans. To check if the provider offers a CSP for your desired course you can look it up on Course Seeker or contact the provider directly.
Please note that approved providers are listed in the state or territory by its primary physical location. There may be campuses in other states and territories, or options to study online available.
Each provider is listed by the entity’s name which may not necessarily be their trading name.
Always check directly with the provider you want to study with, to confirm they offer CSPs and/or whether you can access HELP loans.
- Academy of Information Technology Pty Ltd
- ACPE Limited
- Alphacrucis College Limited
- Asia Pacific International College
- Australasian College of Health and Wellness
- Australian Academy of Music and Performing Arts
- Australian Catholic University Limited
- Australian College of Applied Psychology
- Australian College of Christian Studies Ltd
- Australian College of Theology Limited
- Australian Film, Television and Radio School
- Australian Institute of Business Intelligence Pty Ltd
- Australian Institute of Management Education and Training Pty Limited
- Australian National Institute of Management and Commerce
- Avondale University College Ltd
- BBI - The Australian Institute of Theological Education
- Campion Institute Limited
- Canterbury Institute of Management
- Charles Sturt University
- Chartered Accountants Australia and New Zealand
- Crown Institute of Higher Education Pty Ltd
- ECA Higher Education Institute Pty Ltd
- Excelsia College
- Health Education and Training Institute
- Higher Education Leadership Institute
- INSEARCH Limited
- International College of Management, Sydney Pty. Limited as Trustee for the ICTHM Trust
- JMC Pty. Limited
- Kaplan Business School Pty Ltd
- Kaplan Higher Education Pty Ltd
- Kent Institute Australia Pty Ltd
- King's Own Institute
- Macleay College Pty Ltd
- Macquarie University
- Moore Theological College Council
- Morling College Ltd
- Nan Tien Institute Limited
- National Art School
- Polytechnic Institute Australia Pty Ltd
- S P Jain School of Global Management Pty Limited
- SAE Institute Pty Limited
- Southern Cross University
- Sydney College of Divinity Ltd
- Sydney Institute of Business and Technology Pty Ltd
- Sydney Institute of Traditional Chinese Medicine
- Technical and Further Education Commission
- The Australian Institute of Music Limited
- The College of Law Limited
- The National Institute of Dramatic Art
- The University of New England
- The University of Newcastle
- The University of Wollongong
- Think: Education Group Pty Ltd
- Universal Business School Sydney
- University of New South Wales
- University of Sydney
- University of Technology, Sydney
- UNSW Global Pty Limited (trading as UNSW College)
- UOWC Ltd
- Wentworth Institute of Higher Education Pty Ltd
- Western Sydney University
- Whitehouse Institute Pty Ltd
- Australian College of Natural Medicine Pty Ltd
- Australian Institute of Professional Counsellors Pty Ltd as Trustee For AIPC Trust
- Australian Performing Arts Conservatory
- Bond University
- Central Queensland University
- Christian Heritage College
- Gestalt Therapy Brisbane Pty Ltd
- Griffith University
- James Cook University
- Jazz Music Institute Pty Ltd
- Queensland Institute of Business & Technology Pty Ltd
- Queensland Institute of Business and Technology Pty Ltd trading as Griffith College
- Queensland University of Technology
- Russo Business School Pty Ltd
- TAFE Queensland trading as TAFE Queensland - Brisbane
- The University of Queensland
- University of Southern Queensland
- University of the Sunshine Coast
- Adelaide Central School of Art Incorporated
- Australian Chiropractic College Limited
- Australian Institute of Business Pty Ltd
- Educational Enterprises Australia Pty Ltd
- ICHM Pty Ltd
- Le Cordon Bleu Australia Pty. Limited
- Proteus Technologies Pty Ltd
- South Australian Institute of Business and Technology Pty Ltd
- Tabor College Inc
- The Flinders University of South Australia
- The University of Adelaide
- Torrens University Australia Limited
- University of South Australia
- Australian College of the Arts Pty Ltd
- Australian Guild of Music Education Inc.
- Box Hill Institute
- CG Spectrum Institute Pty Ltd
- Chisholm Institute
- Deakin University
- Eastern College Australia Inc.
- Federation University Australia
- Holmes Institute Pty. Ltd. as Trustee for Holmes Institute Trust
- Holmesglen Institute
- Institute of Health & Management Pty Ltd
- ISN Psychology Pty Ltd
- La Trobe University
- LCI Melbourne (Academy of Design Australia Limited)
- Leo Cussen Institute
- Marcus Oldham College
- Melbourne Institute of Business and Technology Pty Ltd
- Melbourne Institute of Technology Pty Ltd
- Melbourne Polytechnic
- Monash College Pty Ltd
- Monash University
- Navitas Bundoora Pty Ltd
- Ozford Institute of Higher Education Pty Ltd
- Photography Holdings Pty Ltd
- Royal Melbourne Institute of Technology
- Southern Cross Education Institute
- Stott's Colleges Pty Ltd (Acknowledge Education Pty Ltd)
- Swinburne University of Technology
- The Cairnmillar Institute
- The MIECAT Institute Inc.
- The University of Melbourne
- University of Divinity
- Victoria University
- Victorian Institute of Technology Pty Ltd
- William Angliss Institute of TAFE
- Colleges of Business and Technology (WA) Pty Ltd (trading as Curtin College)
- Curtin University
- Edith Cowan College Pty Ltd
- Edith Cowan University
- Engineering Institute of Technology Pty Ltd
- Murdoch University
- North Metropolitan TAFE
- Perth Bible College Inc
- South Metropolitan TAFE
- Stanley International College
- The University of Notre Dame Australia
- The University of Western Australia