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Getting ready to start higher education study can raise lots of questions and options to consider.
There are several financial support options available to help eligible students pay for their higher education.
To access a Commonwealth supported place (CSP) or a Higher Education Loan Program (HELP) loan you will need to meet the relevant eligibility criteria.
You need to follow the correct process and meet the deadline when applying for a Commonwealth supported place (CSP) or a Higher Education Loan Program (HELP) loan.
Once you have a Higher Education Loan Program (HELP) loan you need to know how to check what you owe, how you make HELP debt repayments and what to do if you identify incorrect charges.
StudyAssist case studies provide examples of how government financial assistance has helped students to pay for their higher education studies.
The Australian Government supports students to undertake higher education by funding public universities and a small number of private higher education providers to offer Commonwealth supported places (CSPs).