A series of animated videos have been developed for the StudyAssist website to explain key information related to government financial assistance to support higher education students.

What's on this page



All videos have closed captions and descriptive transcripts.

Higher Education Loan Program

This video provides information about Australian Government financial assistance including Commonwealth supported places (CSPs), Higher Education Loan Program (HELP) loans, census date, indexation and repayments.

When to contact your provider

This video informs students that their higher education provider is a key contact point for information and assistance during their studies and how to contact them.

Overview of HELP loans

This video provides an overview of the five HELP loans and what they may be used for.

HELP balance versus HELP debt

This video explains the difference between available HELP balance (under the HELP loan limit) and HELP debt (the amount owing to the ATO).

Commonwealth supported places

This video explains what CSPs are and how and when students may access them. It provides an example of how a CSP impacts the overall cost of a student’s course.

Census date

This video explains the importance of the census date, what actions need to be completed on or before the census, and the result of missing the census date deadline.

Navigation of the StudyAssist website

This video summarises the features of the StudyAssist website. It highlights the navigation framework, tool tips, quick icons, related topics, search function, FAQs and the eligibility tool.